My favorite way to start the school year is with this adorable “All About Me” doll and book. They always turn out super precious and they become a keepsake for each of my students. My students love working on these and they are always super proud of the finished product. It’s also fun to have each student share their doll with the class to help the kids get to know each other better.

My Back-to-School packet includes all the patterns so you can make these large paper dolls with your class! These make darling decorations… I leave them up for a LONG time in my classroom.
I also love to start the year off with this fun Teacher Hunt. Basically your students are given a worksheet with questions about you {their teacher} on it. For example: What is my favorite color? What is my favorite book? Who is my best friend? And your students will have to search around the room to find the answers {written on the bright paper in the picture below}. It’s a fun way for your students to get to know YOU! You can have your students complete this activity independently, or you can answer each question as a class (or put them in groups).

This packet also includes a Buddy Board Game. Students will get to know each other while playing and they will have a lot of fun!! The game is also really easy to print off, assemble, and prepare for your students. (This game is also available in B&W.)
Here’s another preview of my back-to-school packet! It has all the activities you’ll need to keep your students busy during the first week of school.