Raise your hand if you love Fly Guy!! My students are nuts about this little character and these books don’t stay on our book shelves for long. Fly Guy books are great for teaching about the long /i/ sound spelled ‘Y’ (For example: fly, sky, my). Last week we learned about some of the different sounds of ‘Y’. My students learned how ‘Y’ can say its own sound /y/, long /i/, and long /e/.

This Packet Includes:
- Y Character Poster in Color
- Y Character Poster in Black and White
- Fly Swatter Game
- Fly Swatter Craft and Assessment
- Long /i/ and /e/ Comparison Activities
- “POW” Flash Card Game
- Bingo Game
- Matching Game
- Writing Activity
- Additional Practice Pages/Assessments
P.S. I got to spend Saturday with these two adorable girls from What the Teacher Wants. Natalie and Rachelle are so sweet and I am so proud to call them dear friends! Love them!