Teaching CVCe word patterns to your kindergarteners and first graders can be tricky! Let’s start with first things first. What does CVCe stand for?
CVCe = Consonant Vowel Consonant e
In CVCe words the vowel says it’s name (the long vowel sound) and the ‘e’ on the end is silent. Examples of CVCe words are: note, tape, fine, cake, and cute. Some teachers refer to these CVCe word patterns as silent e, super e, magic e, tricky e, or bossy e. In this blog post, I will focus on SUPER E! I’ve created an entire packet on TpT dedicated to teaching CVCe words in this really fun and engaging way and students LOVE Super E! Click HERE to check it out on TpT or read on to learn more.
- CVCe posters (color, b&w, and draw-your-own)
- Original CVCe story with Super E as the main character (in color and b&w) with an accompanying worksheet
- Student Booklet about Super E
- CVCe Activity with Super E Wands
- SUPER E Craft (pictured above) with Worksheet
- CVCe 3-in-a-Row Game
- CVCe and CVC Word Hunt
- CVCe Reading Passages
- CVCe Whole Group Word Sort
- CVCe Independent Word Sort
- CVCe Reading Passages
- At Home Reading Practice
- CVCe Bingo
- Race to School Game
- Practices Pages
- CVCe Word Lists (w/ Vowels A, I, O, & U)
My students are in love with SUPER E and they think he is pretty awesome. I really love him, too! This might be my absolute favorite packet in my Teachers Pay Teachers Shop.

A few years ago, when I first posted about this CVCe packet, one of you told me about this awesome YouTube video by Mark D. Pencil. Ummmm… WOW! It goes PERFECTLY with this CVCe Packet! My students beg me everyday to let them watch it again!!! (Have I told you lately how much they love SUPER E????)
Next week I am going to show my students the Word Caper. It is a great little Leap Frog video about adding silent E to the end of CVCe words. My students (and my own children) love these Leap Frog videos! Check it out for yourself on Amazon HERE. (Affiliate Link)