The other day I found these mini Terracotta pots and saucers at a store near my house. When I saw them, I knew I had to have them for first grade! I already had these mini watering cans and was waiting for the right time to use them. (I will try to link similar items on Amazon at the end of this post.) As of right now I am planning to plant marigolds this spring and send them home with my students for Mother’s day.

My favorite part of this packet, are the Plant Life-Cycle charts. I have them all printed and ready to go! In fact, I have everything in this packet prepared and ready to go. Teaching plants this school year will be a BREEZE! Thank goodness for summer and my motivation for getting ahead of the GAME!
These charts also come with a mini book for students to complete and take home. This activity also doubles as a great assessment.
This Plant Packet Includes:
- Lesson to teach plant parts (with anchor chart and worksheet)
- Plant craft for students to assess plant parts
- Plant observation journal (for students’ individual plants in the classroom)
- Life cycle posters (in color and B&W) with a mini book for students to take home
- Plant life cycle activities (assessments)
- Flower game (students get to build a flower using the correct parts)
- Nature walk activity outside (math connection)
- Writing pages
- Plant memory game
- Additional plant practice pages (can also be assessments)