Hello, Friends! Happy Monday!!! (Wait… Is there such a thing as a happy Monday??!) Here is a Zeno sight word game I like to play with my students during small groups or guided reading. It’s called POW! A Zeno Sight Word Game and your students will LOVE it! This game takes regular, boring flashcards and turns them into a fun, competitive game. Your students won’t even realize they are learning! (WIN-WIN!!)

Preparation: Copy the the pages in this free download (flash cards) onto card stock & cut apart. Evenly distribute the “POW” cards throughout the deck.
Directions: In a small group setting, quiz your students using these flash cards. To play, players will take turns reading the sight words shown to them on the cards. When a player reads a sight word correctly, then they get to keep the card. The object of the game is to have the most cards at the end. However, when a player gets the “POW” card, then they have to give all their cards back to you (the teacher). Once students get the hang of this game, they think the “POW” card is funny and they love to get it!
*If a player reads a sight word incorrectly, do not correct them, instead, show it to the next player and let them have a try at the sight word. Continue this until someone in the group reads the word correctly.
Here is the list of all 107 Zeno Sight Words included in this reading game (this list is available in the free download too):

I always send a copy of this game home with students who are struggling to remember their sight words. It always becomes a family favorite!