In second grade this week, the Houghton Mifflin Reading series has us reading Henry and Mudge and the Starry Night. My students LOVE this book! They also love the other Henry and Mudge books. I had to check them all out from the school library so they could explore all the different adventures Henry and Mudge go on. They love them all!
I love to get my students excited about the different Houghton Mifflin reading stories each week. For this story, I actually asked my husband if we could get a little Mudge puppy… he said “NO WAY.” My students would have LOVED that. Too bad… Ha! Instead I got some glow-in-the-dark stars so we could have a “starry night classroom” like the book. It was the first thing they noticed Monday morning, and it’s all they could talk about all day. There are similar ones on Amazon HERE. These would be fun to leave up all year!

At the end of the day (Monday) I pulled out my homemade camping fire. It was super easy to make. All it took was a cardboard base, purple holiday lights, tissue paper, a glue gun, rocks, and sticks from my backyard. We put it in the middle of our circle during Community Circle time. My students huddled up and pretended they were around a real campfire. It was too cute!