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POW! A Zeno Sight Word Game
This game takes regular, boring flashcards and turns them into a fun, competitive game. Your students won’t even realize they are learning!
Sign up to join my email list below, and this sight word game will be sent straight to your inbox for FREE!

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Happy, Happy December!
I’ve always loved Christmastime, but Christmas with a kid??? WAY more fun! I’ve had so much fun showing my little guy all the joys of Christmas and he’s loving all the “lights!” I’ve been warned about having a baby with a Christmas tree and everyone keeps telling me that

Halloween Joke Book (Freebie)
Instead of candy, you can give your students this fun, FREE Halloween Joke Book! But let me warn you, once you give them these books, they will be telling you these jokes all week (start practicing your fake laugh)! You can download this book from my Free Resource Library by clicking

Fanged Mini Pumpkins
October is my favorite month! I absolutely love pumpkins, fall, and all things Halloween. So, when I saw this fanged pumpkin tutorial from Martha Stewart, I had to try it right away! I made them with my family and they all turned out so cute. This would be a fun activity

Secret Code Freebie
Even as an adult, I think secret codes are so much fun! My students have always loved secret codes, too. I have used secret codes in my classroom as a fun way to practice spelling and letter writing. Secret codes are a fun mystery that any student can solve! I’ve

Apple Mason Jars
When I saw this adorable Apple Mason Jar Tutorial over at The 36th Avenue, I knew I had to try it right away! Mason jars are pretty darn cute all by themselves, so painted as an apple THEY ARE STINKIN’ ADORABLE and perfect for Back-2-School gifts! I made 20 of

Easy Tips for Staying Organized at School
One of my favorite things about being a teacher was being extra organized. I am an organized freak, to say the least… Just ask my friends! I love to make things easier by being organized and I love to share these tricks with other teachers. One of my favorite organizational tools this

Rocks ROCK!!! (Igneous, Metamorphic, & Sedimentary)
This science packet focuses on IGNEOUS, SEDIMENTARY, and METAMORPHIC rocks and is perfect for 1st-3rd Grade. Your students will love the activities in this packet! This Rock Packet Includes: Rock Notebook for Students Rock Notebook for Teachers (detailed) Worksheets/Assessments 3 Rock Type Characters Cute Rock Craft Rock Cycle Charts Rock Type

Managing Bathroom Breaks at School
I recently uploaded a new packet to TpT called: Classroom Management Made Easy! Ever since I finished this packet, I’ve had classroom management on my brain. I’ve really been reflecting on how I’ve done things for the last four years in my own classroom. One thing, in particular, that I’d

Classroom Management Made Easy!
It’s time that I shared a secret with you. For a few years I’ve been using a classroom management strategy that is a piece of cake to manage and super successful for even the most challenging of students. I should also mention that it’s easy to implement, as well. 🙂

Back-2-School Activities
My favorite way to start the school year is with this adorable “All About Me” doll and book. They always turn out super precious and they become a keepsake for each of my students. My students love working on these and they are always super proud of the finished product.

Classroom Schedule Template
I love planning out my classroom schedule during the summer. I spend wayyyyy too much time on it and it’s something I am always tweaking! Even after the first week of school, I move things around… making a schedule is a continual process for me. Here is a free download

Reading Comprehension Graphic Organizers (use with any book)
Words cannot express how thankful I am to you all!! I can’t believe that over 6,000 of you have left such sweet feedback on my #1 bestseller, Reading Comprehension Worksheets and Activities. Not only that, but it is currently being used in over 25,000 classrooms. That is amazing!! I am

End of the School Year FUN!
I can’t believe the end of the school year is near!! How does time keep passing by so quickly?? Here are some fun little crafts I’ve made with my students to celebrate summer and the end of the school year. Here Comes the Sun Writing Activity: This summer craftivity is

Inflectional Word Endings Packet (-ed, -ing)
Last week we learned about word endings (-s, -ed, -ing). My students had a lot of fun with these activities and they loved the “ed” and “ing” posters I made for them. The “-ing” poster has young kids on it, because when words end with “-ing” it means it is

Teaching Contractions in First Grade
Hello, Friends! While I am anxiously awaiting the arrival of my sweet baby (did I mention I was pregnant and due any day?) I put together this fun packet all about teaching contractions: Contraction Magic! I am literally enduring pregnancy contractions and we are learning about contractions in first grade.