I love finding easy/effective things to use in my classroom. For this reason alone, I feel the need to share with you… DIY Place Value Mats! A wonderful teacher at my school shared them with me and I am so grateful for her. These are so easy and I promise you will want to make them first thing tomorrow! They are so convenient and my first grade students use them all the time.

These place value mats are made with one large sheet of construction paper (12 x 18″) with a middle section (12 x 6″) glued on top, in the middle. Then all you have to do is place the titles at the top of each section and laminate. I love how they are so BIG and easy for my students to use! If you are short on time, this is a great project for parent volunteers.

We have used these mats over and over and OVER again (almost daily)! My students keep a set of base 10 blocks in their desks, so it isn’t a lot of hassle to get them out. I know for sure that my students will have a concrete knowledge of place value by the end of the year, because of all this hands-on practice.