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POW! A Zeno Sight Word Game
This game takes regular, boring flashcards and turns them into a fun, competitive game. Your students won’t even realize they are learning!
Sign up to join my email list below, and this sight word game will be sent straight to your inbox for FREE!

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Classroom Halloween Party Ideas
I wanted to share some pictures from a fun Halloween party I had in my classroom. I have always been blessed with *amazing* room parents and the parents that planned this party really went to town! The kids had a blast and it was quite an event! Most of the activities

Robot Valentine Sacks & The Perfect Valentine for BOYS!
Yay for February! It truly is the best month of the year. I really LOVE Valentines Day and it’s even better in the classroom, because kids make it so much fun! One of the best parts about Valentine’s Day is passing out valentines and it’s super important to have a

DIY Easter Bunny Banner
Last Spring I fell in love with an adorable Easter Bunny Banner from Pottery Barn. Instead of buying it though, I thought to myself, “I could make this!” And this weekend I did make it and it was SO easy!! I love it even more than the one at the

St. Patrick’s Day Joke Book (Freebie)
For St. Patrick’s Day, you can give your students this fun, free St. Patrick’s Day Joke Book! (You can print one out for each child or make one for your classroom library and read the jokes to your students throughout the day on St. Patrick’s Day.) But let me warn you,

Don’t Eat Pete Game (St. Patrick’s Day Themed)
Don’t Eat Pete is a classic game my family has played for years and it’s been around for forever! In fact, when I was a tween, I would take this game to every babysitting gig I had and all the kids loved it! This FREE, silly game is perfect for

Who is Worth More to You Than Gold?
Think about this: Who is worth more to you than gold? Who came to your mind first? Who would you write about? I love asking this question to my students. Their responses are always so, SO sweet. This fun, March activity will get your students excited about St. Patrick’s Day,

Teaching Fact & Opinion with FUNKY Shoes!
You will need to channel your inner Ms. Frizzle to teach fact and opinion with this packet. This resource is designed to aid you in teaching your students about the basic differences between facts and opinions. You will begin these lessons by decorating your own pair of funky shoes. I

Puzzle Photo Album
*Please Note: This post includes Amazon Affiliate Links. When I came across this blog post HERE from Love Them Madly, I knew I had to make a puzzle photo album for my little guy too! I actually made it for his first birthday, and he loved it even more

Summer Reading Challenges 2022
As teachers you work so hard to teach your students to read during the school year. So, of course, you want them to continue reading during the summer! You definitely don’t want them to lose anything they have gained during the year and you want them to keep improving during

Dreaming of Summer Writing Activity
Here comes the sunnnn…. do-do-do-doo! You’re welcome for getting that song stuck in your head. How many more days do you have until summer vacation? Have you downloaded THIS free summer countdown yet? If your students are normal, then they are already dreaming about summertime (and you probably are too)! I’ve created

Summer Vacation Countdown
It’s May and you know what that means… THE COUNTDOWN IS ON!! To make your own countdown download the printable here and put it in a glass picture frame. I got this frame at the dollar store. Then you can use a dry erase marker to write in the number of

Fun Freebies for February!
Don’t Eat Pete is a fun game to play at your classroom Valentine’s Day party! This game will quickly become a class favorite– my students love this game so much! This free game download includes an Editable Sight Word Edition, the original version (which is perfect for Halloween or any

The Classroom Kindness Project
This packet was created to teach kindness in the classroom all year long! As a teacher you have many opportunities to teach kindness to your students and this packet will help you do just that. After completing the activities in this packet, I hope you feel an improvement in your

Homeschool Care Package
If you know me well, then you know that I am SUPER close with my family. Knowing that, you can probably imagine how sad I was when my sister moved across the country! (GAH! And right when I had my baby… COME BACK!) Even though I miss my sister

A Twist on Writing Goals!
HAPPY NEW YEAR! Have you thought about your goals for the new year? When you get back to school, are your going to set goals with your students? (YES! Of course your are!) Here is a fun goal writing craft that you and your students are going to love! Get